Monday, September 14, 2009



If you are a regular here in SMBland, you have probably noticed that my posts are becoming less frequent.  It’s become quite clear to me in the last month or so that I’ve been neglecting way too much for way too long.  So for now at least, I am done blogging. 

I’ve met so many great people who have really awesome blogs.  Some are truly gifted writers, some have a talent for telling a great tale, some are funny, some are sad, some make you feel like you’re swapping life stories over a cup of coffee or cocktails.  You’ve  entertained, enchanted and enlightened me.  I had no idea when I started this adventure that I would make new friends.  But real friendships have developed and I cherish those friendships.  I will miss you all terribly.  You’ve become a part of my life so don’t be surprised if you see a comment every now and then from SMB.  I won’t be able to visit everyday but I will still be around.

I’m not deleting this blog.  I may return someday.  Maybe next week.  Maybe next month.  A year or two?  Who knows.  The only thing I know for certain is that I don’t know anything for certain.

I want to thank you all for the love and support you’ve given me since I started blogging a little over a year ago. 

If by chance, you miss my words of wisdom or need to consult me on some life altering decision, *wink* you can email me or occasionally find me on twitter.

For now, let’s just say:

Adios…. Au revoir……. Adieu…… Auf Wiedersehen……… Aloha…… Til we meet again



I love you guys, you are the best! 

Smart Mouth Broad


Anonymous said...



Is this April Fool's Day or sumpthin??

Crone and Bear It said...

OMB I'm sobbing hysterically - not you too. Don't leave me out here in bloggyland alone .....(that's me hanging onto your ankle.) You are my inspiration, but then again, to be honest, I'm thinking seriously it's time to hang up Crone and Bear It and go out while it's still on a roll (kinda like the tv show MASH, ya know?) Sigh. At least I'll see you once in awhile in Twitterville won't I? Otherwise, I'm moving to FL and that's a threat lady! Love you, mean it! You do what's best for you sweetie and we will all understand. Oh who am I kidding with that crap you little sh*t - get your A$$ back on your blog. I'm sorry, temporarily lost my mind there. *crys and waves hanky bye* sniffle, sniffle...

Liz Mays said...

I don't like this. After what I've been through, this makes me really sad. But I respect you for stepping away when you know it's time. I hope you'll raise the curtains again someday. For me, it took two months. And the day before I came back, I still would have sworn it would never, ever happen.

So I hold out hope that one day you'll just get the urge to write again.

In the meantime, know that you've touched my life and so many others through your words. You will be missed and you will not be forgotten.


f8hasit said...

Awww. You too et Bruteh?
WE (collective of the blogosphere) will miss you. But we understand.

I hope to see you around. Please stop by periodically just for a quick snipet to let us know you exist. And exist well.

Thank you for your snipets on life. They have been interesting, enlightening and amusing. Many thanks my friend.

Anonymous said...

Watching as your Harley rides off into the sunset....

Wishing you good health and love until we hear from you again.


Optimistic Pessimist said...

i hope you accomplish all you set out to do and if it's right I hope you find your way back here.

Joe Todd said...

I hear there is a treatment center for blogging addicts. Maybe I'll see you there. Step #1 We admitted we are powerless over blogging and our lives are ..... Good luck and stay safe.. Joe Todd

Mike said...

Why do you have to go????? You could post once a week and still be a vital part of the blog world. This is like going to a Fucking funeral! I hate this more than anything! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that my anger is out. I wish you the best in all that you do, seriously!

Michel said...

HOLY SHIT! Seriously!?!? Could you just go down to once a week maybe?? You got some funny shit to say lady!!

I will miss you!

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Oh, no. Don't tell me this is true. I understand how difficult it is to keep up. But, please, I've enjoyed you so and even though we both have slowed down, I have come to depend on you. Don't go completely away.

cheatymoon said...

Hope to see you ride up on the Harley one day soon, but until then, see you somewhere on the interwebs, right?


Arkansas Patti said...

Gee, just found you and now your are gone. Was it something I said? Seriously, I got bogged down recently and took a hiatus which helped bunches. While I did come back, I have reduced my blogging to a couple days a week. Hope you can find a compromise.

Anonymous said...

Well . . . crap on a cracker.

Unknown said...

I'm going to miss you so much smart mouth but I also understand your making a decision that's right for you at this point in your life. I've had to drop back to once a week and still have a hard time attending to those things that need daily attention.

The only good thing about this post of yours is that you're not removing your blog which tells me you'll be back some day. In the meantime, I wish you luck and blessings in your life.

And now, like our articulate Otin. FUCK!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, man, you will be missed. Hope you return some day, but thank you for all the laughs. Good Luck with whatever comes next.

♥ Braja said...

Don't be a stranger, my friend...I'd miss you :(

Jan said...

Oh, dear. Well, I won't be angry or implore you to post once a week or anything like that. What I will do is tell you how very, very much I'm going to miss you.


SaraG said...

OH MAN.....say it ain't so.
I will sure miss your bloggings!!
I had no internet at home from Friday around 4:30 till last night when the repair guy came and kinda got me up and running. He says I have outdated house is only 7 years old....go figure!!
I am glad I stumbled upon your blog! Really really enjoy it.
I will check in every now and then to see if maybe you have left a post!!
Take care

Beth Niquette said...

Well, dear girl, I'll miss you--I do have your email, so I'll be writing. Thank you for being such a great inspiration--I hope you come around more often than not.


Have a wonderful life!

Debbie said...

Hey Smart Mouth....Geez can I relate to that! I can barely get here to the occasional comment (as I am sure you know!) and I was also seriously thinking of closing mine. But! After reading what you wrote, I think I will do the same as I have been doing and what you intend to do. It's really hard to do it all. We are such busy people and are involved in many things...night and day. A blog takes effort and time. I sure will miss you like crazy but am so thrilled you will still be around and the blog will still be there. will give me a chance to catch up on all the old ones I haven't been able to read! Hugs to you and yours honey.

Anonymous said...

Well if this ain't a fine how do you do!! Hate to see you go but I know how it is. You are some kind of funny! I am going to miss you. Hope you come back in the future. Till then keep on biting life on the ankles!!

TONY LETTS said...

Well I've always enjoyed reading your blogs so I too will miss them. But I completely understand what a drain on one's time they are and when they get in the way of the rest of your life or if they become a chore then you have to pull the plug.
Maybe just do one occasionally when the mood takes you!

Linda said...

I can't believe Cronie didn't say this... Well Crap on a Crutch!
I sure hope I have your email somewhere cuz I'll miss you. I do know how you feel...too much to do and not enough time to do it.
Take care my friend.

Unknown said...

I hear ya.

Live in the 3-d, and report back on occasion.

I'm working toward the same.

Go! Run! Fly! Be Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

thyme said...

Ow what? Did I scare you away or something, showing up unexpected like this? Just now I have stopped by.. you have stopped alltogether?

The cartoon you posted made me laugh though... there is just too much truth in that! I am not removing your link, whenever you post, I'm going to be on it like a hawk from now on...

In the mean time have fun :-)

midlife slices said...

You KNOW I know what you're feeling and it's obvious by my lack of posts that I've sort of already left the building.....right behind Elvis. I'll see ya, you know that but this IS a sad moment. Happy Trails, SMB.......

Funny Girl said...

Well crap! I will miss you...hope to see you around in bloggie world in the future.

tera said...

Well, I am sad to see you go, but I understand needing to take a break and regroup. I hope all is well and that you really won't be a stranger.

Take care, take it easy and take all you can get.


A Tired Wife said...

Well, hell! I JUST found you.

I am SUCH a blog killer. But I do understand. I left my first blog for months ... and then when I was ready to come back - felt the need to start over with a new blog.

Bookworm said...

*sighs* Awwwwwwwwww. I know what you mean though. I've almost had to force myself to post lately. I mean, I'm doing a giveaway on my review blog and I only have three entries. THREE!!! *shakes her head* Seems like everyone is getting burned out on blogging. All my favorites have stopped or slowed wayyyyyy down. Man... that is so sad. But I hope you come back. :)

Kelly P said...

I did'nt know you for long, but what I did know it felt good to have you as a friend.Don't stay gone to long.Just pop in and say hi ya'll!I always heard "KEEP YOUR TRUE FRIENDS CLOSE" Thats what I intend to do.

Lori said...

I sure do understand the need to step away and take a break. Life needs to be lived and enjoyed and sometimes we have to walk away or step away from things we enjoy for a time so that we can focus on other things. Bless you SMB. You have touched me and many others with your stories...thank you. You will be missed! Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Lori

Pseudo said...

I understand but I am still sad. I will definately miss you so much, especially the holidays. I love your holiday posts. I hope you are back before then.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I so completely understand. I know you will always be out there and that is the gift I got from meeting you. My love goes with you always...

Vodka Mom said...

oh my God.

But, I get it. I have had NO TIME these last two weeks to visit anyone.

I am feeling it, too.

Girl Tornado said...

WHA??????? How is it I find out about this from Joe Todd when he leaves a comment on my blog "gonna miss S.M.B."... I went to Twitter first to see if something was going on I didn't know about. Nope, nothing there. Then, as I'm putting groceries away, it hits me... HER BLOG! Check her blog... and Croney too? Wahhhhhh, nooooooo, don't everyone go away!!

But I understand, I really, really do. I feel so hard pressed to do all the things I WANT to do, let alone the things I NEED to do. Here I am, not working again, and there still is not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. As you can tell by my most recent blog post earlier today, I can't even stick to the task at hand and get sidetracked way too easily. And visiting other's blogs? Wow, that has become the hardest for me. Is that how it starts? First, you find you just don't have time to visit other blogs, then your blog posts become more infrequent, and before you know it, you've left bloggyland. Say it ain't so! :-(

I'm off to try to do all the things I wanted to do today -- just got home from town, need to make dog biscuits, mini pumpkin pies, get caught up on blogging (BWAHAHAHA!! I'll never be caught up!), create new cards and such on Zazzle, and yeah, and call a friend to see if she wants to stop by for an iced tea, or a margie, whichever. Think I'll get all that done yet today?? Probably not, it's already 4:00! And there's clean the bathroom, feed Murphy (the horse), take the girls out 70 million times before dark, etc., etc....

Enjoy life and all it has to offer -- and by god, it does have sooo much to offer, doesn't it?! Luv ya girl, and I hope we can meet someday.

~Oz Girl

Mike said...

I will pretend that you posted something and will comment:

OMG that was funny! Where do you come up with this stuff!?

There is the comment, now you post something that will make my comment work, kind of like blogger meets jeopardy! hahaha!

Debbie said...

I'm really going to miss you. I always enjoyed my stops here and your sass and sarcasm - as well as wisdom. But, I support you in making the decision that is right for this point in your life. All the best to you, my friend!

Reader Wil said...

This is not funny, SMB! There's always something to talk about: if it isn't the weather, then the shoes or the bus you are waiting for...Anyway I would miss you very much! So don't leave us! Come and visit me on my blog and I answer you on yours!

Mike said...




Smart Mouth Broad said...

Otin, my favorite all time song is: What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. :-) Next question....?

Anonymous said...

Since all of my thoughts have been so eloquently expressed by others I will just say Thank You! Thank you for your wonderful posts, you kind comments, your funny comments, your prayers and friendship. You WILL be are going to miss us too much!

Mike said...


Smart Mouth Broad said...

Otin-Stars Hollow, CT. :-)
Hands down. No doubt. That's where I'm going.

Hit 40 said...

I totally understand. You will be back to vent some time soon :-) We will be here.

Nina said...

Safe travels and enjoy the ride. Life is meant to be Lived! May you be Blessed with wide roads, beautiful views, a comfortable seat and the love of your life by your side. Live, Love and Laugh often. Blessings to you and yours. You will be missed. Love and Light, Nina P.

darsden said...

LMFAO gurl you have been hanging out with me too much... I totally understand. But please do only a few days away we would miss you WAY too much if it was any longer. But oh I Feel Ya'

Mike said...

I bet you think that I forgot about you!? I will bother you forever, now!!!!!!! LMAO!

Mike said...

I am still here! You probably thought that I had finally forgotten you!? Not a chance, you are on my link poem for God's sake!

Mike said...

I feel like a doctor standing here with two paddles yelling "Clear" while everyone around me is yelling, "Let her go!" I will not lose a patient, Damnit!!!!!!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

I'm so behind I totally missed this post. You are definitely missed - but I absolutely understand. I came thisclose to packing it in for a while, too...take all the time you need, you can bet we'll all be here waiting (im)patiently for your awesome return. ;)

duchess said...

Oh, dear. I wandered in after my own hiatus to find you gone! :-( . I hope you'll be back....