My eyes barely fluttered open. I was in that state of not quite awakiness where you are aware that it is morning but you’re not quite ready to face it. Slowly the realization that today is Valentine’s Day settles into my brain. I snuggle a little closer to the warm body lying beside me. I open my eyes a little more and smile. He smiles back and has that look. It’s February 14th and he has only ONE thing on his mind:
Today’s the day they are blowing up a high-rise in West Palm Beach on the Intercoastal!
He’s such a ROMANTIC!
“Do you feel like going or do you just want to stay here and watch it on TV?”, he says with that look that pleads, “Don’t deny me this excitement!”
So we got ready and bundled up (Florida style) for the big event. My Harley Stud is very familiar with Palm Beach and knew just the spot that would put us directly across the water from the tower. Armed with coffee in my favorite thermos, my camera, tissues (we both have a cold) and our phones, we made the what I’m told was four block walk but I could have sworn it was more like 10 blocks – It’s cold and I have the sniffles – to the perfect spot across the Intercoastal waterway from the blasting site.
As we gather with the anxious crowd, I slip my camera out of my pocket only to discover that my battery is dead. Grrrrrrr. “No worries.” says MHS. “We have our phones.” It appears that nothing is going to spoil the “romance” of this very special Valentine date.
The implosion was scheduled for 9am. It didn’t happen at 9am. About that time, MHS asked me if I had video on my phone. I confirmed that I did but I’d never used it and was afraid that I would miss the whole thing while I tried to find it. So there I stood holding my phone up in the air waiting for the big moment. It is surprising to me how heavy a 4.58 oz phone gets when you’re holding it in the air for over five minutes. I really need to get back to the gym.
Finally the moment arrived. First we saw little puffs of smoke come out of the sides of the building. Then we saw it start to tumble down even before we heard it. It was so cool!
I’ve had a little fun at MHS’s expense here mocking his lack of romance but the truth is: I loved it. Truth be known, there’s a bit of a 12 year old boy living inside of me. I love blowing things up. I love to watch things blow up. I love to shoot things. And occasionally my humor tends to lean toward adolescent boyishness.
After it was all over, I turned to MHS and said, “I got the before and after but I missed the whole tumbling down part. Did you get it?” He said, “I got it on video.”
What the……..! This is a man who asks me to send text messages for him. I’ve taught him everything he knows about how to use his phone. And apparently I’ve done a great job because while I stood there like a fool with my arm up in the air worried that I would miss the big moment, he went right to his video app on his blackberry and recorded the whole thing.
Well, almost the whole thing. It didn’t really happen as fast as it appears in the video. So the best we can’t figure is that he hit the pause by mistake at some point in the process.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!
MHS and I hope that your HEART DAY goes off with a big BANG!
Smart Mouth Broad
there’s a bit of a 12 year old boy living inside of me
hahaha maybe you should let him out!
actually I've only seen a couple buildings imploded, but it's pretty cool. I like how scientific it is and the fact that they implode, not explode. Pretty cool. In a 12 year old boy way...
Very romantic, indeed! Hope you're feeling better soon.
cool! i want to blow something up for valentines! hope the rest of your day was just as romantic!
that's a great valentine's day. the best one I've read yet.
Good for you.
Wow! My V-Day was almost that romantic - Beloved flew home on the red-eye and has spent the entire day napping his recliner while I make a Boston Cream Pie (one of his favorite desserts) from scratch...
Ha ha, nothing like a romantic man! Mine got up at noon, after working a twelve hour night shift...with one thought, and one thought only on his mind, too.
Buying me a card, jewelry, or flowers, you might wonder? Oh no - it's the DAYTONA FIVE HUNDRED, BABY!
Kabooom!! went my heart... hee hee... I'd get a bang out of a Valentine's Day adventure like this too.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Now thats my idea of a fun V-day!!
You are so destructive! LMAO!!!
What a romantic outing. haha!
At least it wasn't snowing in your part of the world LOL
how romantic!
Sounds like a great way to spend Valentine's day. Definetely beats my day in front of the TV watching Nascar. Now that was romantic.
Sounds like a blast! You know, I can see the 12 year old boy in you. :)
That is MY kind of heart day. Me, I drove most of the day but it was o.k. I got sushi and HBL as a reward for the long trip so all is good.
HUGS and happy V day to you and Mr. SMB.
Wow, that must have been awesome to see! Myself, only seen these events on TV and it always amazes me, the precision used to bring the building down.
Don't we all have parts of 12 year old boys in us?
Wow, that will be a hard Valentines Day to top.
Glad your 12 year old boy got his kicks.
Aw! That's so sweet. Belated Happy Vday to you both!
Aw, I love this; now THAT'S what I call Romance!
That's an interesting way to celebrate Valentine's Day! Is it typically Americain??? ;))
Aw, nothing says love like demolition! (I would have wanted to see it too.) :-)
I love the part about you being a young boy really inside! I think there are many of us that feel that. For some reason, I tend to like watching hubby blow people and things up in his video games. Great are a wonderful writer by the way. You always have me sitting on the edge of my seat! It's no wonder you have 199 followers??? What the heck is up with that anyway? Can you even visit all of them??? Wow!
My camera batteries are ALWAYS dead, and if they're fully charged, they're home on the kitchen table.
I think it is great that you all enjoyed doing that together!
Awwww :)))
yup.. an affair of the heart :)
Oh, my goodness. Your beginning had me going. Hoping. But I'm thinking your morning adventure lasted longer and probably more of a memory. Enjoyed it SMB.
That was awesome! A very cool Valentine's day! That would be right up my alley of things to do. Loved it!
I can be a bit boyish myself.
Loved it! Watched it a couple of times! :)
Nothin' says I love you like watching stuff blow up. Unless you're the one doing the blowing.
Wait. That wasn't meant to be as dirty as that sounded.
nothing like a big bang on Valentines!
I LOVE to watch implosions!! I saw one take down a parking garage years ago. I got up at 6 a.m. to be in Providence to watch. They stopped the highway in both directions until it was down. That in itself was eerie.
Sounds like the perfect Valentine's date to me! :)
tee hee... you said BANG on a Valentine's post...
I would have loved to check out a building implosion too, sounds like a great way to spend a valentine's day.
I love that you have a 12 year old boy living inside you, because I do too! Wait...that kinda sounds creepy... :)
Sounds like you had the perfect Valentine's Day with your Sweetheart! :)
Nothin like a good implosion on Valentine's Day!
Your problem is, you don't have a son! Throughout his life, I've gotten to exercise that 12 year old boy practically all of the time...while hearing "you're such a great mom" from my friends who only have daughters (little do they know I LOVE this stuff). Your V-day was better than mine because we were still really mourning my cat Storm. Hubby even more so than me, to be honest. Wonder if an implosion would have yanked him out of his funk quicker...
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