The problem with mid-life blogging is that after you’ve been doing it for a few years you forget what you’ve already written. Or at least I forget. So stop me if I’ve already told you this one…..
Several years ago, I was hired by a local bank as a Notary Public. The bank’s policy for non-payment of rental for the safe deposit boxes was to hire a locksmith to drill the boxes open and a non-employee Notary to witness the contents of the box.
Stop and think for just a moment how exciting this could be. The possibilities are endless. What would be in the next box? Or the next one? Of course I was young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. I didn’t give any thought to the reality that said if one couldn’t afford the box rental, the odds that one would forfeit whatever treasure might have been kept in the box was unlikely. Most of the boxes were empty. There were a few that held some legal papers. No diamonds, no letters filled with dirty, little family secrets, no gold bars, no stocks, bonds or guns.
However there was one box………..
The unit was drilled, the top lifted and inside we found something wrapped in aluminum foil. Yes, that’s right. ALUMINUM FOIL. All crinkled and tightly wrapped around what appeared to be an oblong object.
Now this was the excitement I was counting on when I took the job. Whatever could be inside the shiny wrappings? The two bank employees, the locksmith and I held our collective breathes as the foil was carefully opened to reveal ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A BAKED POTATO!
What the …..?
Oh of course we had to pick it apart. Did some crazy nut case hide a huge gem inside the potato? Did a double-agent use the potato to plant his micro-film?
Nope. It was just a potato. Who does that? And why? To this day, I still think of that stupid potato and wonder……
What do you think?