STOP THE PRESSES! The Christmas season is NOT upon us! Don't buy into the commercialism that has become our holiday season. It's just not true!
Grab yourself a glass of wine, your favorite magazine, a good book or your honey and kick back and enjoy the moments. Forget about the holidays: What to cook? What to buy? How to decorate? Which cookie recipe to use? How long the line is at Starbucks to get a peppermint mocha?........forget it all.
The man with more things to do than all of us added together isn't worried. He isn't stressing. How do I know? A picture is worth a thousand words:
Yes indeedy. That's him up there. Santa is at the post office picking up chicks in corvettes. Does he look stressed to you?
I apologize for the quality of the picture but I had to take it while in hot pursuit. Prancer caught me taking Santa's incriminating photo and was trying to run me down. But it's him. White beard, white hair, big belly. Who else wears red shorts, a red tshirt and red flipflops (slippers to Pseudo, Smitty and Pualani)? Oh yeah, it's him, alright.
Now go enjoy your evening and stop worrying about how you're going to get it all done. If Santa isn't stressing, why should we?
That's hysterical.
I am not stressed at all about Christmas. Just a few clicks and the shopping's done.
Wow....Santa's in Florida look a little different then up north here! There won't be a sign of him for a while but the stores are already chock full ....right after Halloween...they don't even take a breather....out with the Halloween candy and in with the ribbon candy. Maybe I may get a chance to shop early this year and avoid the stress...nah...probably NOT! So...that's what Santa does until his job kicks in...chasing young women in Florida! I'm not sure how I feel about that? Santa...a player??
He has the right idea. I would be in Florida too if I could.
lol. whyshould i stress he's the one that brings the presents right? or is there something someone is not telling me? smiles.
Ya, and the USPS just reported a 3.8 billion dollar loss so sounds like Santa may not be delivering on Saturdays any day now.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I don't know which to be more envious of - the fact that you have a blackmail-worthy picture of Santa, or that you drive a convertible at this time of the year.
The high was 46 today. High. 46.
Bah. Humbug.
I am skipping the holidays! I am actually being serious! :)
Hey I bet that was Santa! I know him! And my Santa drives a convertible, too!
It is Santa! However, if I had as many helpers as Santa, I wouldn't stress either.
I just wanna know if Santa got the girl! What's Mrs Claus gonna say??
If had elves to do all my dirty work I wouldn't stress either!
I've seen him recently in SC!! I need to get a pic.
If Santa can vacation in Florida with a month to go, then I'm going to continue my procrastination and know it gets the stamp of approval from The North Pole.
Did someone say Peppermint Mocha? mmmmmmm
Well, I'm with (hiccup) Santa and vacationing in the sun, (hiccup) partying while I can. Cuz right after T-Day, Prancer (hiccup) will be up my furry butt to get those (hiccup) toys out. That's the spirit, right? Hit me again, will ya, bartender?
Yours in strung-out lights,
I know I have plenty of time as long as there is Amazon.com for the difficult people I buy for.
No worries here did my christmas 2 days ago as posted. Hubby is still thrilled.
Agreed! Wholeheartedly.
LOL!! My little people would have freaked seeing him. Anytime, we see anyone that resembles Santa one bit they scream that they think it's him.
Santa is an interesting fellow. I take it that this is his summer outfit? Good on you to catch him like that.
We don't do presents at X-mas. We have a quiet celebration. We celebrate St. Nicolas Eve on the fifth of December. Which is fun. We have to give presents accompanied by a rhyme. As my birthday is on the day before we combine the two events.
My friends and neighbours always come a few days after my birthday.
I am skipping the holidays this year too. Well except for thanksgiving, which is a time to eat and be merry.
I am just too tired to go shopping and trying to figure out what to buy everyone. So I have decided to go on a strike this year and will soon be marching with my strike sign in front of my house. I am not sure what the neighbors will think but hopefully they will join me and strike too.
If everyone goes on strike with me then just think of how easy it will be to get through the holiday season this year. And then we will save all that time taking down the decorations that we had just put up a few weeks before.
Well that is if I still put any out anymore. I just cannot bring myself to unpack them, well actually I cannot get to them through all the other stuff that is in the way. But if I could then I would keep the decorations up all year round so as to be prepared for next years holidays and each year thereafter.
But then I am on a strike, so it does not matter anyway. Oh I feel so much better at not having to put any decorations out. Phew, that was easy.
God bless.
Aw crap, I must have missed Thanksgiving according to the stores since Christmas is starting all ready. Sure sorry I missed all the good food.
Not stressed here. Only buy for the little ones, we big ones have all we need.
Love your laid back Santa.
If you were driving when you took that picture, who was watching the road?? Yikes!!
I'm stressed big time. I'd love to say "just a few clicks and the shopping's done" except those few clicks amount to a zillion clicks and then all that money on the credit card......ARGHHHHHH......I'm stressing out just writing this.
I think I'll skip Christmas this year. Think any of our grands will notice?? MUAH!
I KNEW IT! When I was six, he came to my house (I had left cookies and milk out, the whole thing!) and he arrived before my parents were in bed! They said they begged him to stay and meet me but he was in such an all fire hurry and didn't have the time! I cried for 2 days! NOW I know what the ... um..what he was up to! That year my rubber dolly's head came off that very first week (with only slight tugging from me!)
Sweetie...thanks for filling me in!
I have waited 66 years to find out if he was real. I wonder if Mrs. Claus is still alive! :) Any inside info on that?
I'm headed for a good movie and a cup of coffee (laced of course!)
HUGE HUGS! (a true story!)
Mona :)
I like to wait until Christmas Eve to shop. Adds a little to the excitement, don't you think?
I want Santa to pick me up in a corvette and then tell me the car is mine. Lol. What a great post. Thanks!
I don't usually stress at this time of year but unfortunately, I have a severe muscle spasm in my back that JUST WON'T GO AWAY!
But... I'll try!
Do you think Santa needs a helper?? LOL
I want to hang with Santa.
Ha! I am a procrastinator extraordinaire! I just hate the whole over-commercialization of Christmas so I always wait until the very last minute to do anything. The hubs is great, because he hates it as much as I do, so his idea is just to order everything over the internet so we don't have to deal with it all "in person".
I love that guy!
As for Santa, I wonder what Mrs Santa has to say about his obvious mid-life crisis!
No question! It's him!
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