Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today was one of “those” days. And it was long. As a music lover, I often relate the highs and lows, ebb and flow of my life to lyrics in a song. This was the little ditty that came to mind on my drive home from work today:

Thank goodness I work from home on Fridays.

And now for a little Christmas cheer: Tonight we are offering the famous “Damned Warm Cider” and homemade shortbread cookies. Please feel free to add a little spiced rum from the cabinet just above the stove for some added warmth. Now I’m wondering if I ever told you the “Damned Warm Cider” story? I can't find it in my archives. Anyone? This memory loss crap really bites! Now come on over and join me on the sofa.

“Haul out the holly! Put up the tree before my spirits fall again.”


As you can see, this is the ornament from 2003. Isn’t it fun? This delightful illustration of a child’s joy at Christmas was designed to honor the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877.


Inside this booklet you will find all the Christmas details for which a history geek could ask. Tales of Mrs. Grant’s generosity and kind heart, a mini bio of the president and a description of the social life in the White House during this age of Industrialization will keep you riveted. *cough* Well, I love it anyway.

DSC04429 Again, this is how he looks on the tree. See the locomotive at the bottom of the ornament. It moves from side to side around the wreath! How fun is that!

Now, where’d we put that bottle of rum?

Smart Mouth Broad


Liz Mays said...

Do you collect presidential memorabilia? That is a pretty cool treasure you have there. I LOVE your festive header.

Liz Mays said...

Ok, I'm a day behind. I'm in the middle of reading yesterday's so ignore my question. =:o

Pseudo said...

I love that you are a history geek and I love that you are making me feel all hoidayish and warm fuzzies on a year where I was thinking of skipping the decor.

Andrea said...

Yeah, sometimes a good country song is the best way to say it!

Great post overall, too~I haven't felt any desire to get a tree up yet, but I've got bronchitis. Keep up the Christmassy posts, and I'll be out there getting a tree soon!

Anonymous said...

Rum? So, is Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of rum a pirate thingie to say or a Santa thingie to say?

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes

cheatymoon said...

I was all set to put up our tree yesterday... but it was 68 degrees (yes! in Maine!).
This great post makes me want to put the tree up this afternoon. :-)
Thanks, SMB.

Mike said...

Sorry that you had one of those days:(

But I see by the rest of the post that it is all ok now! Just go watch the History channel for a while. lol

Your blog does look very festive!

The Peach Tart said...

Loving those ornaments.

Jan said...

I just wanted to let you know that I bought Beloved TWO of the White House Assoc. ornaments yesterday - the 2009 one and the commemorative one.

Again, thank you! And I hope today is better, dear.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Okay, so where's the "Damned Cider" story? Did I miss it?
Love your cheery header!

injaynesworld said...

Beautiful photos and really cool stuff. I love ornaments that have a history or special meaning. I have been collecting them for 40 years. Each year my tree size increases. Soon I will have to move to a home with vaulted ceilings, or take up residence in the lobby of a Biltmore hotel.

Brian Miller said...

what a cool ornamet...are you going to show us all of them?

Anonymous said...

Song hit the nail on the head.Don't know about the Damned Cider but sure do like all the Christmas decor. Fixing to do my Christmas decorations this weekend wana help?

Arkansas Patti said...

OK, I have used "search your blog" and googled but can't find "damned warm cider"
Think a post is called for.

TONY LETTS said...

Love the tree and ornaments! Somehow, we don't do it all as well as they used to