Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Thing 1 and Thing 2 aka Daughter #1 and Daughter #2:
Although it’s been said many times, many ways……..
With Love and Hugs
To You and Yours
From Me and Mine
Love you guys!
It’s easy to get caught up in the joyfulness of the season. The lights, the cheer, the music, the gifts, the shopping, the Damned Warm Cider and let’s not forget the cookies. Never forget the cookies! But there are many who are suffering. There are those for whom the holidays only serve to bring to light all that is missing in their lives. The holiday season is heartbreaking for some.
Let us all remember to include a random act of kindness during this special time. I encourage you to reach out and touch someone. Visit the lonely. Feed the homeless. Do something that touches your heart but more importantly, someone else's. I guarantee that your holiday will be richer for it.
So I searched and I can’t find it but I could have sworn that I told you about the Damned Warm Cider last year.
Have you ever had one of those moments when something catches you completely by surprise and suddenly you’re laughing hysterically and no one else has a clue what is going on?
Last year on our return home from our annual trip to the Mouse House for the Very Merry Christmas Party my dear friend, Miss Lolly, was entertaining me with a story about going for a urine test for a new job. You’d really have to know Miss Lolly to appreciate the story and that will have to wait for another day. Miss Lolly’s story reminded me of the first time that the Pediatrician wanted a urine sample from Daugher #1 many years ago. I began to tell Miss Lolly, Daughter #2 and CinDEErella my tale.
Daughter #1 was two years old and at the doctor for her checkup. The nurse came in to take her temperature and then proceeded to explain to D1 that she needed her to go into the restroom with me and tinkle into the cup.
D1 immediately protested. “You tinkle in the potty. You drink from a cup.”
The nurse patiently explained to D1 that she needed her to tinkle in the cup so it could be tested to make sure that she was healthy. Again, D1 insisted, You tinkle in the potty. You drink from a cup.”
The nurse tried again saying, “I need you to tinkle into the cup. I will take the tinkle and test it to make sure that you are healthy.”
D1 looked at the nurse very sternly and said in her best grown-up voice, “Trust me, I’m healthy.” Let us not forget that she is the daughter of a smart mouthed broad.
The nurse eventually caved and handed the cup to me. "Try to get her to do it at home."After listening to my story Miss Lolly laughed and said, “Did they at least give her a cup that looked clinical?”
“Oh no!”, I said, “They gave her a cup that looked like what they give you at Williams and Sonoma to sample the warm cider.”
“Ewwwww! I hate that damned warm cider!”, Miss Lolly cried.
I began to laugh. We were all laughing but after everyone else got out their giggles, I was still rolling. I couldn’t breath. Tears were streaming down my face. It went on and on. They were all looking at me like I was nuts. It was embarrassing but I was still laughing so hard that I couldn’t explain. By the time we reached home, I was just beginning to recover.
You see, just that week I had been in Williams and Sonoma and sampled the warm cider. I thought it was very good. Being Williams and Sonoma, they had a lovely gift presentation. They had mugs, cinnamon sticks, mulling spices, and the cider. I bought the whole kit and kaboodle. In fact, I thought it was perfect gift for a few of our friends, Miss Lolly and her family being one of them. How the heck was I to know? Isn’t it unAmerican to hate warm cider. I was so proud of myself. I thought I had the perfect gift. I confessed my sins to Miss Lolly and then she laughed so hard that she cried too.
Of course I found something else to give Miss Lolly & Co. And we had a very special beverage with all the fixins at our Christmas Eve Open House. And it was known from that time on as “The Damned Warm Cider.” Everyone loved it. (with a little spiced rum)
And now for a little Christmas Cheer: My favorite Christmas decorations
“I may be rushing things but deck the halls again now!”
How I start my letter to Santa every year
Today was one of “those” days. And it was long. As a music lover, I often relate the highs and lows, ebb and flow of my life to lyrics in a song. This was the little ditty that came to mind on my drive home from work today:
Thank goodness I work from home on Fridays.
And now for a little Christmas cheer: Tonight we are offering the famous “Damned Warm Cider” and homemade shortbread cookies. Please feel free to add a little spiced rum from the cabinet just above the stove for some added warmth. Now I’m wondering if I ever told you the “Damned Warm Cider” story? I can't find it in my archives. Anyone? This memory loss crap really bites! Now come on over and join me on the sofa.
“Haul out the holly! Put up the tree before my spirits fall again.”
As you can see, this is the ornament from 2003. Isn’t it fun? This delightful illustration of a child’s joy at Christmas was designed to honor the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877.
Inside this booklet you will find all the Christmas details for which a history geek could ask. Tales of Mrs. Grant’s generosity and kind heart, a mini bio of the president and a description of the social life in the White House during this age of Industrialization will keep you riveted. *cough* Well, I love it anyway.
Again, this is how he looks on the tree. See the locomotive at the bottom of the ornament. It moves from side to side around the wreath! How fun is that!
Now, where’d we put that bottle of rum?
While the rest of the world was beating a path to the mall and doing their part to boost the economy this weekend, we here in SMBland stayed home to deck the halls. Friday morning found MHS in the attic handing down boxes to the assembly line that was Daughter #2 and me. (D1 had to work) By Sunday evening, the explosion that I affectionately refer to as the Christmas bomb was nowhere in sight as long as you don’t notice the boxes in the hall that are still waiting to return to the attic and every ornament, Santa Claus and string of garland were all in their place.
I just love our Christmas decorations. I love pulling into the drive after my long commute from work to see the lights on the tree shining brightly through the window. I love every single reindeer, snowman and nutcracker. Many of my decorations were given to me by my mother and now that she is gone, they give me even more pleasure as I remember her with a smile.
Several years ago My Harley Stud began a new tradition. I am an American history geek and he found the perfect gift for me. My birthday is in December and every year he gives me an ornament from the White House Historical Association. And when I’ve been a really good girl, I get two. Each year the association commemorates an American President and a Christmas story during their presidency. The ornaments are packaged in a beautifully decorated box, come with a wonderful history lesson and are some of the most beautiful ornaments I’ve seen. I look forward each year to sitting down and reading all about my new ornament. Truth be known, I usually reread each ornament’s story every year. Yes, I am that kind of history geek. You know the one that has to read all the plaques in the museum because I’m afraid I’ll miss a detail. This special interest of mine has served me well in all trivia games and when playing couchside Jeopardy.
Because I’m the kind of geek enthusiast that is just certain you will be bored to tears just as excited about my ornaments as I am, I thought I would share them with you. Because that’s the kinda girl I am. *wink* So pull up a chair, grab yourself some cookies and a cup of hot cocoa (Kahlua optional) and let’s take a look at the first ornament I received from MHS several years ago.
This is the special commemorative ornament that celebrates the White House.
There’s four pages of fascinating White House history inside this little booklet. Notice that the sandstone to make the ornament comes from the very same Virginia quarry that produced the sandstone exterior walls of the White House.
The North Facade of the White House
And the South facade is on the reverse side. Isn’t it lovely?
And this is what it looks like on the tree.
Want some more cocoa?
Four score and seven years ago, I did a photo-shoot for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law photographers. It was the era of big hair, parachute pants and scrunchies. My naturally thin and limp hair was permed and poofed to unbelievable heights never again seen since that decade.
My Harley Stud was cleaning out his old car the other day and came across this photograph. He apparently kept it in the car for quick reference should he momentarily forget what I looked like. He made it a point to show everyone in the house the picture so we could all remember a time when I was wrinkle-free and ever so much thinner thanks to a J*zzericise career.
My Daisy, my father’s new wife, said, “Who is that?” I raised my eyebrows and gave her “the look”. “Is that yooooouuuu, Smart Mouth?” After a few more looks back and forth, she conceded that indeed she could see a bit of me in there.
Daisy showed the picture to Daddy, who of course knew me then so he recognized the image as me immediately and followed with…….”Oh yeah, Smart Mouth used to be really thin. She even had to drink beer to keep weight on.” Yes.I.Did. I told my father I “had to” drink beer. I guess I could have drunk milk.
Later, the photograph was shown to my niece, Smart Mouth in Training. She carefully inspected the image before her and looked me square in the eye and said, “Wow, Aunt Smart Mouth, you used to be pretty.”
I think I’m going to start drinking beer again.
I just saw a television commercial advising men to schedule the women in their lives a pap smear for Christmas. Now I’m not expecting much in the way of a gift from MHS this year but if I find an appointment card under the tree, someone is in the doghouse.
Seriously? What were the powers that be at CBS thinking when they produced this commercial?
Now that I’ve given it some thought, this was a brilliant idea. Of course no one is actually going to schedule a pap smear for a Christmas gift Lord help us, no one is stupid enough to do that, right? but the pure absurdity of the commercial will get people talking. Pap smears do save lives. Have you had yours this year? or your Prostate exam? Mammogram?
Oh and the guy in the commercial is so darn cute, I just might have to accept any gift he offered. Oh CRAP! Did I say that out loud?
As I gather together with my family and friends to give thanks for all of our blessings today, I want you to know that YOU will be included in my prayer of thanksgiving. I wish I could share you with my nearest and dearest. You wonderful bloggy buddies have brought such joy to my life. I wish that you could join us at our table to eat, drink and be merry. What you would bring to the party cannot be matched. Oh what a time we would have. Wouldn’t that be great!
Instead I wish you and yours the loveliest of holidays. And let us all remember in our thoughts and prayers those who are less fortunate, those who have no one with whom to share a meal today, and last but most certainly not least those who are serving to protect our country.
God bless us all!