Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As a born and bred Smart Mouth Broad, I try really hard to never be disrespectful or insensitive with the thoughts that I share here in these pages.  You see, when you are born with the gift curse of wiseassyness, there are a lot of things that run thru your mind that are better kept to yourself.  These slightly unacceptable thoughts are a constant source of secret giggles to me.  Alas, I learned a long time ago that not every gem that is born in my cranium is meant to be launched out into the real world.  I could get in a lot of trouble for saying that crap out loud (or in the written word). 

But sometimes, I just can’t help myself.  Such is the case today after reading our local newspaper which really isn’t paper at all because I read it online….so what does that make it?   hmmmm……..I got nuthin’.    Ahhh, but I digress.  Anyway, I was reading and found a tragic story that I couldn’t help but ……….kinda………sorta……..laugh at. (Yes, I did just end a sentence with a preposition…..I’m feeling a bit rebellious today.)

It seems that a man from Massachusetts came to Florida for a hiking trip ………………………….and froze to death.  What???  What are the odds?  I mean, he could have stayed home for that.  I was flabbergasted.  I read it aloud to my family.  I called Daddy and read it to him.  Nobody believed me.  IT’S.IN.THE.PAPER!,  I told them.  It has to be true, right?  The paper that’s not a paper reports that the medical examiner has indicated in a preliminary ruling that the cause of death is accidental hypothermia.  (As opposed to intentional hypothermia???)  I don’t know how it happened and yet that is what appears to have happened.
The world is upside down, I’m tellin’ ya. My cousin called the other day to tell me he was on his way to Canada where the temperature was 45f at the time of our talk.  It was 42 at the very same time right here in Palm Beach County and dipped below freezing overnight.   Then I got an invitation in the mail to join AARP……at my age!   And now I’ve learned that Northerners are coming to the land of sunshine and balmy breezes to freeze to death.

Be careful out there.  It’s a crazy world.

Smart Mouth Broad

No disrespect is meant to the victim or his family.  My heart goes out to them.  I’m not the first to find humor in tragedy but it will keep me up tonite.  I will toss and turn and fret.  I will worry that you will think me an insensitive broad who doesn’t have a heart so read this fast, my friends.  I might delete it by morning. 


Anonymous said...

But it's so true... Who would think of dying on vacation in Florida by freezing? Loads of funny tales in the paper.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Fragrant Liar said...

I totally get it, Skippy. You were born with a silver wisecrack in your mouth. Me too. It is so ironic that someone from MA would die of hypothermia in FL. Just boggles the mind.

Deb said...

I'll hurry and comment before you delete it. Just so you know, I think it's funny too. God rest his soul.

midlife slices said...

I hate the phrase...."it was just meant to be." but.....well......I got nothin else to say.

Lori said...

You are so right, that is flippin funny! LOl I, like you don't think it's funny that someone died. But, seriously how you can you not lauth? Unless, of course this was one of my loved ones...and then of course I wouldn't seen irony of the situation until some time had passed. :)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

"I mean, he could have stayed home for that."

Hahahahahha! Fun post. Sometimes you just gotta say what you gotta say.

Enjoyed it.

cheatymoon said...

Yikes. It is weird with the weather, eh?

Brian Miller said...

it is a crazy world...been talking with friends in florida that are experiencing really weird cold.

Expat From Hell said...

One of the great things about blogs is you can just let 'er rip when you feel like it. Kind of like a free-fart zone for we smart-ass types. Thanks for being there, and thanks for the rippin', friend. EFH

Linda said...

First, when it's your time it's your time.
Second, "I mean, he could have stayed home for that."...bwahahahahasnort!

Jan said...

There's a funny side to just about anything - and a story about a man from Minnesota freezing to death while hiking in Florida has a certain black humor to it.

Beloved and I have been talking for the last few days (and yes, giggling over it) about how there are probably a lot of pissed, cold vacationers in Florida this winter.

Liz Mays said...

It wasn't the death you were making light of. We get ya!

The weather situation is bizarro! I'm thinking his family might even be conversating along the same lines as this post.

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

LOL...Okay, the case IS a tragedy but it has humor in it. You captured it,funny write!

Crazy change of weather all over the world...
Wondering what's going to be the next headline..."Penguins are leaving Antarctica behind and migrating to Africa, the land of the polar bears in Speedos!"? haha

Anonymous said...

You said it, to be born with the mouth is a (gift) curse?? I learned a long time ago to keep mine shut I only think it now but every once in awhile it will sneak out!
You would a thunk someone coming to sunny Fl. and going a hike would freeze to death. Well being from Ma. He should have known about cold weather don't cha think!

rxBambi said...

don't delete, it IS funny -- in that sad ironic way.

I don't know about that whole free fart zone tho...

Heather said...

This weather has taken irony to a whole new level!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I found myself giggling and you are right. It isn't at all funny! I don't think it's the man's death that is funny..but the craziness of such a thing!
You know... (and if they don't ..to hell with 'em!)

SMB, that is just the sweetest comment you made on my post. Thanks. We do have great families, don't we? It's like I told a friend today, nothing is perfect, no one's family is perfect, but it's nice to have one that loves each other. It certainly helps in this life.

Kelly P said...

HEY SMB!!! It is sad how that happened. Its like taking something from the freezer to the oven and finding out the oven is cold cause the heat element went dead.(aaahmmmmm scratch that)it went out.

Mike said...

You are so nice that you can't even laugh at an absurd situation without feeling guilty! :)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, no, really? Talk about Irony...

Pseudo said...

I think none the less of you Ms SMB. Itis a wacky upside down inside out world sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Joe and I came to Florida to experience our first Florida winter and to buy a home. (1) in April, we brought the long standing Florida drought to an end. (2) Saturday we made a snowball.

So.....other than not needing a snow shovel, it's no different than Indiana.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Well I'm glad you didn't delete this before I had a chance to read it, because WTF??? somebody froze to death in Florida?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking global warming will work in Florida's favor.

Organic Meatbag said...

Hehehehe... it's like leaving behind the oppressive heat of the African plains only to die of heatstroke in Death Valley, AZ... ahh, the irony...

Tresa said...

I would have reacted the same as you at the article. I "get" you!

Barbara said...

I was really sorry (and amazed) that someone could die from hypothermia down here. I mean, it was cold last week, but what was he doing? It was much colder in northern Florida, is that where he was? I never heard all the whys and wherefores. Everyone has heat along with their air conditioning now.

I've lived in Florida for 35 or more years and this is not the first cold snap we've had. We had snow in the 70's and another time I can remember trying to get a flight out of Miami and it was too cold to take off. (There were global cooling warnings then.)
I can also remember a 7-10 year period when I never once had to put my storm shutters up.
I'm totally convinced weather is cyclical.

TONY LETTS said...

humour is how we deal with tragedy - nothing wrong with that

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Is that header picture Hobe Sound??

I'm a native PB county person that moved to NC three years ago.....work for the School District for 24 years and lived way out in Royal Palm Beach! Totally loved your post!!


Sandy said...

Well, that's just wrong......