Thursday, June 17, 2010


cartoon bubbles

Despite all evidence to the contrary, this blog has been on my mind a lot lately.  I’ve got so many things I want to discuss, rehash and ponder but sadly no time to write it all. 

You know what’s going to happen, right?  By the time I find time to sit down and write,  it will be gone.  ……..nothing.  *sigh*  Maybe I should make notes.


That is if anyone is still out there……..ANYONE?   Yoohoo?


Brian Miller said...

hey cut the lights back out we are trying to sleep in here...smiles.


Vodka Mom said...

Hello? HELLO??? We're here......


cheatymoon said...

Right here. :-)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

You betcha, baby. I am in the same boat. Promise you'll still correspond when I get all done this summer and am bored as hell in the fall.

A loyal follower.

Heather said...

Still here! I have to make notes or I will forget it all. See ya when ever you can spare some time.

Anonymous said...

We all moved and did not tell our child SMB where to.


Anonymous said...

damn i just rant into a cobweb :)

Jules said...

We are here, take notes and share when time permits.

Linda said...

I was gonna comment but I forgot what I was gonna say:)

Tessa said...

Dear Kettle: How could you be so neglectful of your blog? Sincerely, Pot.

(PS: You know there's a full scale APB out on you on Twitter, right? Time to put the FaceBook down and come back to those who love you!)

Deb said...

Still out here!

Megan said...

that's what just happened to me. i've lost so many good blog posts because i didn't have the time to write them :-(

Arkansas Patti said...

On a leave of absence myself but I do keep an eye open for new posts.
Still here when you are ready.

Liz Mays said...

You know what I really love about you? You are out there, in the world, living life, as it should be lived.

midlifeslices said...

Who is this???

tulpen said...

I'm still here. Still neglecting children and husband in favor of nasty blogging habit.

Marguerite said...

Great blog! Love the title! Cheers!

Fragrant Liar said...

Still here, sister. Catching up too, on just about everything. Take notes, and don't forget where you put them, like me...

TONY LETTS said...

yes, make notes and quick!

Anonymous said...

Accounted For!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Di is kidding...we wouldn't do that! We are still out here...we keep checking...and checking...and..
So how the heck have you been, anyway??!!

p.s. make notes. :)

Joanna Jenkins said...

Yep, I'm here on the front porch.
Cheers, jj

Mike said...

I am still here! Kinda! haha

~sWaMpY~ said...

You-Hoo...I'm here. Where are you?

Pseudo said...

Still here, just a little bit random in my computer time ; -)

injaynesworld said...

Hey, there! Been wondering where you'd gotten off to. I've been buried in work, too. So many wonderful blogs to visit, so little time right now. I totally understand where you're coming from.

Whenever something strikes me I jot down a few words in a Word doc and file it away.

Happy Fourth!