Friday, December 31, 2010


I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions.  I have commitment issues.  Making a promise to follow through on almost anything strikes real fear into the heart of this Smart Mouth(ed) Broad.  I’ve been married for 30 years.  What more do you want?   I like to win.  And making a resolution always ends with a failure, at least in my experience, more often than not within three thirty days.

2010 has not been the best of years.  I think the economy and society’s refusal to recognize my QUEENDOM has taken its toll on all of us.  But I am nothing if not a cock-eyed optimist.  I like to hope for the best and expect the worst……so that I’m never disappointed.  Cock-eyed, I tell ya. 
So this year I’m lowering my expectations.  Baby steps.  Here are my New Year’s resolutions for 2011.
  1. I resolve not to gain any weight.  For years I’ve been trying to lose the equivalent of a 4 year old child.  Here’s to hoping that 2012 doesn’t have me lugging around (= to) a six year old.
  2. I will stop myself from making promises that I can’t possibly keep.  i.e, “I will blog words of wisdom every single day of my 50th year.”  You didn’t believe that, did you?
  3. I will read more books.  The Bible, trashy novels, spy novels, self-help books.  I will finish reading Eat, Pray, Love.  I am lolly-gagging for sure on this one.  I absolutely adore this woman author.  I feel a strong kinship.  The problem is that a dear friend of mine told me that once you get past “eat”, It all goes downhill….or is it uphill?  Whatever…it’s not so good.  So I'm lingering.  I’m savoring every word of the “eat” section.  I might even finish in 2011 if I pick up the pace just a bit.
  4. I will drink the occasional martini.  Dirty.  With 3 olives.  Shaken, not stirred.  Hey, I’m 49+1 now.  Martinis are soooooooo grown up.  But writing “soooooooo” really isn’t, is it?
  5. I will wine a lot.  It makes me feel better. 
  6. I will eat no less some cookies.
  7. I will cherish the “little moments” and enjoy the journey.  Sometimes, I get all caught up working toward and anticipating the big stuff.  A little older, a little wiser now, I realize that it’s the little moments that make all the difference. 
  8. I will spend more time doing things that give me pleasure.   Get your mind out of the gutter, people. 
  9. I will spend less time worrying.   I spend a good deal of time worrying.  No more.
  10. I will find time to read more of my favorite blogs.  I miss you guys.  I miss knowing what is happening with your lives.  I will not let it become my life.  Balance.  Balance.  Balance.  That is the key. 
  11. In 2011, I will strive for balance.  Wish me luck.  History has proven this to be a real challenge for me. 
Ladies and Gentlemen of the blogosphere, I raise my glass to you.  You are some of the best, most interesting, caring and talented people I’ve ever (not) met. 

Happy New Year, Ya’ll!
May all your dreams come true.

Love and Kisses,


Fragrant Liar said...

Happy new year to you, SMB. No resolutions here either. 2011 has got to be a lot more fun than 2010 was, right? Just keeps getting better!

Pseudo said...

Happy New Year my dear friend. We are setting our sights on similar paths and I might get lazy and just adopt your list. #'s 9, 10, and 11 especially for me.


~sWaMpY~ said...

Thank goodness you listed the Bible before trashy novels. May I suggest not wasting your time on finishing Eat Pray Love ? Not worth it. As far as worrying, I do it, too. And, it works. The things I worry about never happen.
Dirty Martinis are my favorite. Using jalepeno stuffed olives gives them an extra kick.
I do not believe in making Resolutions. Although, I do have a list of projects I would like to finish within the next 365 days. So far, my list has gotten longer every year. At any rate, Happy New Year.

Arkansas Patti said...

That was sooooo much fun. Oops, my immaturity is showing again.
Those all sound doable and some sound fun.
Balance may be the hardest. Good luck in 2011.

Mrsupole said...

Happy New Year to you and the family!!

No NY resolutions from me, I am too lazy to make them and too lazy to keep them. I am what I am and it is what it is.

Best of luck with keeping all of yours. Please keep us updated if you do complete any. I like the cookie one the best. I could keep that one. Hmmm, chocolate chip cookies are yummy.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I love you, SMB. What a great list.

Happy 2011.


K Dubs said...

Awesome list - I'm with Pseudo that 9, 10 and 11 are my faves. But more wine. I will drink more wine. With friends. lol

Happy New Year!

Joe Todd said...

Happy new year.. You would probably make a much better president than some that may be running in the next election. You have my vote

life in the mom lane said...

Much of your list could be mine but i stopped making new years resolutions years ago...too much pressure... hoping 2011 is good to you (and me!) !!!

tera said...

I refuse to make resolutions because my follow through sucks. Really, really sucks.
I have 3 canvas downstairs from something like 4 years ago when I promised a friend a painting. No paint on them whatsoever.
I have an unfinished sketchbook I need to finish in less than 2 weeks.
I have countless knitting projects started that I don't even remember what they are any more.
I have 50 lbs that I needed to lose 5 years ago.
And so on.
Well, maybe I'll resolute to finish more things this year.
Sounds good, right?

Happy New Year!

betty-NZ said...

May 2011 be full of fun, adventure and love!

Sharon Rose said...

Great post. That whole not gaining weight concept instead of trying to loss what is already there. . . good one!

Loved the movie, Eat, Pray, Love. I haven't read the book.

Great opportunities and adventures are ahead.

Kathleen Botsford said...

Love your list! Everytime I order a martini, my family gives me a hard time. Seems they hit me a little bit harder than my beloved red wine. Oh well! I'm almost 55 and old enough to take the heat!