You'll never guess what I did tonite. And I had such a good time! And then I came home. That was my first mistake. The evening was going so well. And I had to ruin it by coming home.
You see, on Monday nights, I live for 24. Me. Jack. And a glass of wine. That's right, I gotta have me some Jack Bauer. MHS and I had big plans tonite but I wasn't worried because we have TIVO! Or a reasonable facsimile of it. DVR, whatever. TIVO knows I love Jack. But tonight, TIVO let me down. TIVO is not my friend. I don't know why TIVO decided to keep me from my beloved Mr. Bauer tonight but that's exactly what he did. And you know what? I don't even care. OK, maybe I cried care a little bit. It was worth it.
MHS and I met one of my dear, sweet bloggy friends for drinks and drinks turned into dinner. I've never done that before. It was like a blind date. So exciting. And I'm going to tell you all about it.
Tonight, I'm exhausted from all the excitement and then the emotional breakdown frustration of missing Jack. (Don't cry for me, Argentina, I'll watch him online tomorrow.) Man, I love the interwebs.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode where I reveal who the mystery blogger is…………………………….
*raises hand* oooohhoooohhh.....I know I know. I know who it was....yes I do.
I'm so jealous but at least I got MHS to actually talk to me on the phone. :)
So...i just got caught up on all the fun on this site for the past week...dying to know who the mystery guest will be...and also? do the dergs know to stay away from the pretty blue man-o-whatever thingys? I can just see the ScooterDog (and I) going 'oh cool...what is that!?' and then reaching for it...cos my dog and i are adventurous like that...in a saggy OH SHIT! kind of way LOL (Scooter is not allowed to hike off-leash in certain areas cos without a doubt he'd bring me back a bear)
Love your beach shots. And aren't those barnacles on the piece of driftwood?
Ok...old broad here is jealous! Naw...not really. I've had my fun days...sigh..can't complain. So...gotta wait..ok. (I hate this kinda thing..wait, wait, wait..seems like that is all I do anymore. :)
Midlife slices....WAS IT YOU????? hmmmmmm?
Ok...shhhh. I 'll wait..
Ms. Mona
Tapping fingers and toes while waiting impatiently.... tapping a little louder now.... louder.....
The Blue Ridge Gal
Thistle-Mystery blogger will be revealed tonight. The dergs do seem to be curious and I had to shoo one very excited Boxer away before he got too close. I'm not sure what he would have done if I wasn't there? I'd like to think they have some instinct in that matter. LOL @ Scooter bringing back a bear. I don't think they were barnicles on the driftwood. Enlarge it and let me know what you think. The shells had a top and bottom that opened.
Mona and Di-The big reveal is tonite.
Jack has been scaring me lately. We are still catching up with old seasons, but it seems like things are getting a lot more violent and graphic than the old days... but still... he's pretty hot. Though his whisper-y yelling tends to bug me. Have a listen and you'll see what I mean.
Will come back later to see the big reveal!
Can't wait to read about this!
Yay! I can't wait to hear all about your night! Sadly, I was not the bloggy friend you met. Sad day for me!
I did watch Jack last night. MMMMM...Jack...
I'll confess. It was me.
O.k. not really, but I wish it had been. *sigh*
Oh, that's right. Tease us.
All I know is that it wasn't me.
Now I really feel crappy.
You have a way of building us up for the next day's posts, don't you? People seriously have the hots for Kiefer Sutherland?
Ok, I thought about it. I guess he's got that 24 aura and mystique. Carry on.
I so want to meet a bloggy friend in person! Good for you.
I think it's a fabulous idea and can't wait to hear about it. Hey they have all kinds of ComicCons and other 'cons' why can't we get a BlogBudCon going or a BlogBudFest? I'd go and I think meeting up with all your blogging buddies would be a blast - there would be alcoholic goodies involved and maybe prizes...and jeez I lead a boring life...
I was going to suggest watching it on the web, but it appears you know about that already. ;-) Can't wait to see hear about your dinner date!
You are just a blog tease.
I came over from Oz gals, she said you had great Florida photos and you do! I also really enjoyed the story about your Dad and My Daisy..it was super. Seems you have quite a sense of humor here! I like Jack too. Hopefully my VCR worked..:)
Movie-I can't help myself. I just love him. I love that he does what has to be done and Damn the rules.
Smiles-Next time, you and me!
Fancy-MMMMMM, Jack is right! I'll meet you any time. We'll have a ball.
MLS-I wish you had been there too.
Jan-I hope you're feeling better now. I meant to tease but not all day. UGH! I thought I would never get home tonite.
BV-Now, you're coming around. *wink*
Debbie-It was great fun. I highly recommend it if you have the chance.
C&Bit-I think you're onto something. Have you thought about Blogher? I'm not going but lots of people are.
Debra-I still haven't watched but hopefully tomorrow.
Beth-*hanging my head in shame*
Far Side-Oh thanks so much for visiting. I hope you'll stop by again. If your vcr didn't work, there's always the internet.
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