I can't believe some of you actually accused me of being a tease! OK, I guess I asked for it. But I really didn't mean to drag it out this long. You see, it's after 10pm as I write this and I just got home from work. Yeah…………it's great to be me today. MHS is out partying (at our nephew's 16th birthday party) so I quickly changed into blogging attire (jammies) and settled into the sofa with a glass of red wine and a supper of two squares of dark chocolate that I've been hiding saving since Christmas.
It was about a week ago, while tweeting on Twitter, Chasaveen mentioned she would be leaving their home in Canada for Florida in a few days. My little ears perked right up and my wheels started turning. It took me all of about 3 seconds to direct message her and ask what her Florida destination was. She replied that she would be in a city that is about an hour south of where MHS and I live. I asked if she would be interested in meeting me for the beverage of her choice. She said that if we were close to where she was staying, she would love to. That's when I began to panic.
You see, Chasaveen, on Twitter, is Tessa of Nuts and Mutton. If you read Tessa's blog, you know that she is brilliant, charming, funny and uh…..brilliant. That's brilliant squared. If you're not reading Tessa's blog, well, why aren't you? Go there now. I'll wait. .......................................................
So I began to get nervous. I worried what she would think of me. It's so easy to hide behind these pages. But in real life, it's all out there for everyone to see. What would she think of the real SMB? Scary, I know. Tessa is accomplished and educated and I'm ………….well, I'm just SMB, a country girl from Indiana.
Once Tessa and The First Husband arrived in Florida, we were busy texting and calling and tweeting our little fingers off trying to make a plan to meet. The plan was set and reset and then reset again yesterday. Tessa and TFH were touring the area near my office so we decided to meet there. When she called me from the parking lot of my office building to let me know of their arrival, I quickly grabbed my bag and flew out the door. I was so excited, I ran to hug her and stepped on her toe. Way to make a great first impression. *sigh* TFH is suffering from a little bug (that he probably caught on the airplane) and was considerate enough to refuse my offer of hugs all around. We decided to go to my beloved inlet to have a few drinks. It was a little cool but what better way to enjoy Florida than to have a few drinks at a tiki hut bar. We jumped into our cars and they followed me to The Square Grouper. While most of you have probably never been there, you may have seen it. Alan Jackson filmed parts of his "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere" video there.
I called Midlife Slices on my way from the office to the inlet for moral support. She was most encouraging as usual. I said, "What if they think I'm a weirdo?" Janie reassured me by saying, "You are a weirdo." And then I began to relax. I am what I am. And if Tessa didn't like me? Well, shame on her. I mean, what's not to like, right? Riiiiiiiight.
MHS joined us at the tiki bar. We selected a table out in the open where you could see the inlet and the boats that were not going in and out due to the cooler weather. Nevertheless it was a nice setting for our get-together. Tessa and TFH are a lovely couple. Tessa is Irish turned Canadian and they had great stories about Ireland and Canada. MHS and I found ourselves completely charmed by their company.
I've never been on a blind date but I've watched enough movies to know that you never make plans for dinner. Just drinks. That way, if you don't hit it off, you finish your drink and you're on your merry way. But once our glasses were empty and our stomachs were growling, MHS and I didn't want to leave them just yet. We wanted more. We invited them to our favorite sports bar which is like our Cheers. The food is good and the atmosphere is relaxed. D1 (aka Fancy Nancy) will be mortified that we took them there. D2 was jealous. We ate dinner and laughed and shared more stories about family, friends and travel and when the time came to part, we were sorry to see them go. I enjoyed their company so much, I'm thinking of packing up and moving to Canada. Look out, Tessa, here we come!
We did take some pictures but Tessa made me promise not to post them. I don't like it but I can respect it. You'll just have to trust me when I say she and TFH are a beautiful couple. I guess we'll have to wait to see what if anything Tessa has to say about our meeting to get "the rest of the story". And if she doesn't say anything, we'll know she does think I'm a weirdo.
Have you ever met a bloggy buddy? Do you want to? If you come to Florida, do you want to meet me?
What's not to love about a weirdo?? I say...not a damn thing. I still snicker at how nervous you were for your "blind date" then how excited you were when you called afterwards and told me how great it was. I'm also still jealous. I'm coming to FL someday soon.....I hope, unless I can force you to come to TX first. Anyway in answer to your last three questions....yes (sort of), yes, and YES!!
btw, I'm posting a MITB right now.
You are SO funny. :-D I think I might be nervous to meet other fellow bloggies too tho, esp if I perceive them to be somehow "better" than me, but my age tells me if they don't like me then what the hey! Everybody doesn't like everybody! You betcha if I come to FL, I'm dropping' in... but no fears, I don't think I'm motorvating that way anytime soon! (Great post!)
p.s. I was a biker chick in my former Ohio life (and loved it!) I traded to be a cowboy's wife. Pretty fair trade I think. ;-)
Do you live near Red Sox Spring training land? If so...
No really, I have not met bloggy people, but I have met internet people before blogging was the thing to do.
Fun story, SMB!
Oh, I am SOOOOO jealous! I love Tessa and her blog!
You know, don't you, that Beloved and I are considering driving to the Floria Keys this coming Christmas, don't you? I bet we could make a little side-trip...
I've never met a blogging buddy, but I like weirdoes! I certainly like to meet you. You are also welcome here! I am not a weirdo, I am sort of boring, I think.LOL
Oh man... I thought we were all weirdos! You mean we're not? Glad you enjoyed their company....sounds like a fun date.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Sounds wonderful! I hadn't heard of her blog but did stop by it quickly and will go back when I have more time.
I have never met a bloggy friend but I would love to meet any of my bloggy friends and yes, I would love to meet you. Which, by the way, could happen at some point, when I finally get to Florida to see my kids and grandkids.
PS I think we are all have a little bit weirdo in us...some more than others...lol!
Of course I'd love to meet you! And I haven't met a blogging buddy yet but I think a meeting is in the works:)
No time to blog of my visit with you, but I will as soon as I get home. Suffice to say, I was just as nervous as you, afraid a smartmouth (weird!) broad would consider me an old fogey. I hope TFH didn't leave any germs as souvenirs of our visit. And that invitation to visit us in Ontario anytime stands! x
If you buy my plane ticket, I will come out! :)
YES!! I met Sounding Forth HERE in State COllege- and then when I was in New York City for the big conference- Comedy Goddess, Marinka and Smartass took me to dinner!!! Then, we went to a rocking gay bar- which totally confused AND amused me.
Now get your ass over here so we can hang out!!!
Awwwww...I'm so glad to learn that you had a nice time.
I remember the first time I met my on-line friend, Kelly (check her out at kellywithoutanet.wordpress.com). She and her daughters came to my house for lunch. I was so nervous - just like you were. But once she was there - we hit it off instantly! Now I consider her one of my closest friends!
I'm ready for my trip to Florida. Not only would I love to visit FL again, but I'd be honored to meet you and MHS. Let's try to make that happen one of these days. Promise?
Janie reassured me by saying, "You are a weirdo."
Now THAT is a good friend! :-) Truly.
And if I'm ever in Florida, you know we're meeting up lady!
...sigh...I want to be at a tiki bar!
Just found your blog from Midlife Slices, I will definitely be back!
It sounds like you have a lovely time.
It's always nice to see if your image of the person is correct when you meet.
If you ever come back to Indiana.....
I've yet to meet any of my blogging friends but I aspire to do just that.
And yes, if I was going to be in Florida I would want to meet you!
OMG!! In the version you told me, you totally left out that ya'll went to Square Grouper!! The pictures make my heart swoon and I'm sooo ready for a visit! Think we can meet up? I won't mind if you're weird...
MLS-Oh please do come to Florida soon. I want to come to TX but it may take me awhile.
Oz-It's a deal!
Movie-I'm not sure where they train but we could go look for them. We have the Marlins and the Cardinals training nearby.
Jan-Oh we really must meet then. We are not far off the beaten path at all. Where we ate dinner w/Tessa is maybe 200 yards off the interstate. Can't wait!
RW-I think you and I would get along just fine. I only wish I could come to see you. But you're always welcome here.
BRG-Weird is a relative thing, no?
Smiles-Name the time and place and I will be there with bells on!
Debbie-I can't wait to hear about your meeting when it does happen.
Tessa-I did get the impression that you expected a different sort of biker chick. I'm so glad we did this. I hope we have the chance to do it again sometime whether it be your place or ours. *muahh*
GB&U-I only wish that was in my budget.
VM-Sounds like you had a fabulous time! Believe me, if I'm ever up your way, you're getting a call.
LiLu-Yeah, MLS is a keeper! Oddly we've never met in person.......yet. Be sure to let me know when you're down this way and I'm so there!
Tera-Thanks so much for stopping by. I do hope you will come back again.
Lisa-Now that's something that's bound to happen. We'll have to make a date.
Tami-Same here.
Snow-I think that can be arranged. *wink* BTW, I am weird but I heard you are too. We'll get along fine.
I'm so jealous. I would love to meet Tessa of Nuts and Mutton and it sounds like a wonderful time.
I would love to meet a bloggy buddy. If I could afford it I would go to blogher. Plus Chicago, never been there.
If I came to Florida, I would most definately want to meet you SMB ; -)
With my sister living htere, sooner or later I'll get back....
I did accuse you of being a tease because you were. And yes, I do want to meet bloggy buddies, you being one of them. But in the meantime, when Spring hits, I have two here in Michigan that I'm having a bloggy meet up with!
Pseudo-You would love Tessa. I would love to go to Blogher too but it's not going to happen. Next time you're in Florida, it's a date!
BV-I know. *grin* I can't wait to hear about your Spring meeting.
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