Sometime last week I stopped to get gas on my way to work. All the pumps were occupied so I pulled over in the parking lot to wait for an available pump. While I was waiting, I looked over to the pumps and this is what I saw.

I've seen these birds before at the station. It just never occurred to me to take their picture until I was telling a friend about them one day and realized that I always have my camera with me and should take a few pictures at the next opportunity. So opportunity knocked and I answered. There are actually three peacocks that hang out at this gas station but only two of them wanted to have their picture taken.

This guy seemed to like me and kept coming closer. He's quite a ham, don't you think?

He seemed to change his mind for a minute.

And then did an about-face and said, "OK, Smart Mouth, I'm ready for my close-up."

By this time, a pump opened up and son of a gun if he didn't follow me. Then the other two started to come over. While I was pumping my gas, they kept coming closer and closer. My car is quite bright and colorful. I think they may have thought I was a really big peacock.
that is fantastic!!
I love peacocks. My friend has them on her farm.
i was waiting for him to give you the big 'fan' moment...how interesting that they hang around the gas station. Quite fearless aren't they?
My parents raised peacocks for years and years on their farm. I have a vase of peacock feathers in my bedroom. Beautiful, but very loud, noisy birds!
Vodkamom-I've seen these same birds not too far from my house (or at least I think it's them) and I love at least 7 miles from that gas station.
Thistle-Yeah no luck with his fanning but he did smile nice for the picture, don't you think? They do seem to have no fear and will walk right up to you. I assume people are feeding them. I would be afraid as I have no idea what might be harmful to a peacock.
24-They are noisy. As are the sandhill cranes that live in my neighborhood. (also a pack of 3)
I'm glad you finally got a picture. I was beginning to think you were drinking and driving and just thought you saw them hanging at the gas station.
LOL @ "I think they may have thought I was a really big peacock."
Now I can go to bed with that picture in my head. :)
Oh, man! That peacock fan is absolutely gorgeous! They must be pretty brazen to hang out at a gas station. Or trusting. Or dumb. ;)
How odd that they hang out at a gas station, but what great looking birds they are! Funny post!
The Blue Ridge Gal
They sure are beautiful birds. How funny that they hang out at a gas station...and that they might have thought you were a large peacock...too funny!
You really need to stop smokin' those pencil shavings. Of course, you saw peacocks at the gas station. And tomorrow, we'll be watching pigs fly at your place. Geez. What some people will post on their blogs.
Beautiful!! I love [peacocks. But how weird they hang out as a gas station???
How neat! So glad you captured it on film!
Oh, birds that go slumming at gas stations. Next thing you know, they'll be hanging out at highway rest stops, looking for US Senators.
Oh, did I say that in my out loud voice?
That is awesome! The best thing I ever see at the gas station is a Hostess stand. Do you have Hostess out west? Yodels, ring dings - oh my gosh - chocolate and cream filling...
I love, love, love peacocks. This is so cool. Great time to have a camera with you.
Peacocks at gas stations? Wow! They really are gorgeous. I wonder why they are there.
Lucky you to see these beautifulo birds. Was the top photo also taken by you? I've never seen such a wonderful peacock.
Wow! A peacock at the gas pumps! I had a flock of wild turkeys running down my subdivision's street last year. The peacock's better though, much brighter and way better looking.
Nice pics but they caused a little bit of angst here, I told Bigblock "Look at that they see peacocks at their gas stations, I'll NEVER see any effing peacocks at ours!!!" to which he replied, "get in your car and go there" Damn that man can't he take a hint, it's time to go south....
You're like me. I keep my camera with me all the time. You just never know.
It's the gas....they like the smell of gasoline. Did you buy that? I thought if I said it with enough conviction you would believe me. In all seriousness, they are great watch "dogs". People keep them at their farms to alert them to wild animals and strangers.
Wow...I haven't seen a peacock in years! I had forgotten how beautiful they are. I just found a beautiful Swarovski crystal hair clip peacock feather and was bidding on it when I saw your blog! My great grandmother used to raise them..they have such an unusual call. Thanks for posting them..I loved it. (I hope you got my email and thanks for stopping by!)
MLS-Glad I can provide some comic relief to your dreams. LOL
Liar-I confess, the peacock fan pic is not mine. I "borrowed" it from the internet.
Di-They are beautiful!
Smiles-It is THE gas station in the area and lots of service workers stop there for gas. They stand around and eat twinkies and candy bars etc. so I think they feed them which makes the birds very brave.
Swampy-Spit out my coffee LMAO at smoking the pencil shavings. Get ready for the pig story tomorrow.
Mama-It is weird. Gets even weirder as they get closer and closer.
Fancy-I always have my camera. I don't always remember to use it. *sigh*
Jan-I know, right? And yes you did. LOL
T5M-I'm on the east coast but yep we have Hostess.
Pseudo-I think I loved them more before they chased me around my car. LOL
Tricia-Beggers, I think. Lots of snacks around the gas station.
RW-I can't take credit for the top photo. I got it off the internet. It is beautiful tho, isn't it?
Geri-Wild turkeys running down the street! Now I wish I could see that picture!
Wunderwoman-Come on down. I'll show you all around the bird sanctuary....uh...I mean gas station.
Blueviolet-Always. Except for tomorrow. MHS just told me he needs to borrow it tomorrow. I'll be lost without it. LOL Have to break out the old one.
ST-I think it's more the smell of Doritos and Ding Dongs.
Mona-What a coincidence and your hairclip sounds beautiful. I hope yours is the winning bid. Good luck!
Why am I thinking this is some sort of ruse to make a crude remark...
"Hey baby... wanna see my peacock?"
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