We love games. My family loves board games, car games, trivia games, any kind of game. And we are fiercely competitive. D2 brought a new game to the table over Thanksgiving break in North Carolina. Smart Ass. The tag line is Even if you're a Dumb Ass you can win! We loved it. By the time the holiday weekend was over, we were all hooked. When Christmas break arrived, we were all excited to be able to see who is the biggest Smart Ass again. I was even more excited on Christmas morning when D2 presented me with a Smart Ass page-a-day calendar.
It wasn't long before D1 went back to NC and her teaching job, D2 and Noleboy returned to school in North Florida and alas I had to return to work as well. It gives me great pleasure each day to turn to the next page on the calendar and see if I'm a Smart Ass or a Dumb Ass. On the first day the kids were back in school, without warning, I texted the three of them the first clue. It was: "I am a sportsman."
Nole Boy quickly responded: "Huh?"
I got nothing from D1 or D2. I followed with: "I am a triathlete." Nole Boy caught on and began to send guesses. D1 eventually started texting her replies. (She has a planning period during this time) Unbeknownst to me, D2 and Nole Boy were in the same class. Her phone was in her purse and sitting on the floor so she didn't hear or feel the vibrations from the texts. Afterall it was the first day of class and she was trying to pay attention. She kept noticing that Nole Boy was texting all throughout the class. Finally she turned to him and said, "Who are you talking to?"
He smiled and said, "I'm playing Smart Ass with your mom." D2 was immediately jealous until she looked at her phone and saw that the clues were being sent to her too. She began to play. Nole Boy won that day. The answer was Lance Armstrong. The kids are pretty evenly matched. Each of them has won several times.
I've started instant messaging the clues to the receptionist in my office too. A marketing rep came in for a visit today and requested that she be included too. I decided to take the competition one step further and send it on Twitter. Nothing Fancy was quick to jump on board. I think that woman is a genius! Today's question was pretty hard and she came up with the correct answer right away. Now Fancy has spoken of her love for board games, competition and everybody knows she loves football. But I know a secret. She cheats. She googled it. OK, I know, I didn't specify that you couldn't google it. But I'm calling an unsportsmanlike penalty. But "it's probably the first thing she's ever done wrong." So all is forgiven. *wink*
So if you're interested, tune in to Twitter. There's just one question: Are you a Smart Ass or a Dumb Ass?
Oh oh OH....I know that answer....pick me pick me.
*SMB finally calls on me*
I am a dumb ass. Was that the right answer SMB??
*SMB just sadly shakes her head....yes*
MLS- I'm nodding. **wink**
Well, this game is easy! I'm alternately both!
I need to find this game. Where'd you find it?
Right now it's late and I'm a tired ass.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Time for some zzz's
i did not know Lance Armstrong did triathlons too...i would have thought as low body fat as he was he would sink like a stone LOL...
What a great way to keep sharing the game. Me...i kick ass at Balderdash ;)
But i have lost at computer scrabble to a Special Olympian...er...3 games straight...seriously, she is like the Rainman of computer scrabble. And likes to use the hints liberally. Which? my pride won't allow me to use. It was a humbling experience. And we shall never speak of it here again.
Me thinks that Fancy girl is a show-off. *wink*
HEY!!! No one told me the rules. No one told me I was playing Smart Ass. I just thought you were flirting with me, so I was trying to impress you. At least I fessed up!
Okay...I want another chance. I'm a Smart Ass, I just know it!!!!!
And come on...it was Robin Hood. He wore tights for crying out loud. Had the answer been a REAL man, I wouldn't have needed to Google. *wink*
I think I can safely say I am a smart ass...but not necessarily in the context you're talking about.
I love games and this game sounds fun...where would I find this game?
I'm not sure if I am a dumb ass or a smart ass...although, I do get called a smart ass a lot from friends and family! Who knows!
Board game lover, but not a twitterer. Stymied.
Do you guys play apples to apples? ONe of the favorite camping board games.
FL-D2 tells me she got the game at Toys R Us but I'm pretty sure that I saw it at Target too.
BRG-Well it's a whole night later but I hope you had sweet dreams.
Thistle-According to my Smart Ass education, Lance was a triathlete prior to concentrating on one event and eventually going pro.
I've never tried Balderdash. Will have to now tho. (Shhh, this is me not mentioning your embarrassing scrabble competition)
Lisa-Me thinks you are right. *wink*
Fancy-No excuses!
Jan-That's one of the things I love most about you.
Smiles-I'm definitely both too. Pretty sure you can get this at Target but D2 got it at Toys R Us.
Pseudo-We love apples to apples too! Sure you don't want to join us on Twitter?
That sounds like so much fun! And I'm pretty sure I flit from one to the other, easily. :(
Uh, which of my personalities do you want to answer that question?
Definitely dumb ass. Sigh...
Did you read The Blue Ridge Gal??
Well..right now I'm FOMAL!!!
Sounds like a great game. I am doing scrabble on Facebook with Middle Ditch. It goes a little slower but it's fun.
Have a great weekend.
Me again. Yes that was Thyme skating!
Blueviolet-Me too, like a yoyo.
Swampy-It doesn't matter because I love all your personalities!
Mona-Now I'm the Dumbass because I don't know what FOMAL is.
ReaderWil-I love scrabble too!
OMG!! I’m so happy that you visited my blog! I have very few readers other than my family and it truly makes my day to find out that someone else has enjoyed what I’ve written.
I’m planning on writing a post explaining who my cast of characters are so that if you would like to continue reading, or if you go back and read my archives, you will know who everyone is.
Thank you so much for leaving a comment. It made my day!
I enjoyed reading your blog and I hope to be able to go in to your archives and get caught up.
Sounds like a super fun game. I'll have to see if I can find it.
I saw this game at borders, but hadn't heard of anyone that had played it.....maybe I will have to pick it up next time.
We used to play a similar game with a bunch of coworkers. One question a week that would need to be formulated so that the answer could be found from that question, no additional clues, and if you could not answer at the end of the week you had to pay the price of a bag of liquorice to the person asking the question.
Tami!-You're adorable. I don't think anyone has ever been that excited for little ol me to read their blog.
Thanks for returning the favor and visiting mine. I've added you to my reader so I will be back.
Geri-I think you'll love it.
Lynn-Go right back to Borders and get it. It's fun.
Thyme-What a fun idea. And it builds cameraderie too.
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