I need your help. It's been brought to my attention that my site may be hard on my readers' sight. I need a little feedback. Please comment and let me know if you find the new template, hard to see. Or is it my font size or color? Come on, peeps, let me have it!
My *old* eyes haven't had too many problems reading your blog but I must say this size font that you just used on this post is easier for me to read.
Bear((( )))
i'm not having any problems with this...the really dark backgrounds make me see zebra stripes when i look down at my keyboard, but i don't find this does that...
but what the heck is that blob of stuff?...it looks like ultrasound gel LOL...have you been playing with the office supplies?
I'm reading loud and clear. The font color in the side bar is a little tough, but the posts themselves are very readable.
Bear, Yes, I did cheat a little and use really big font for this post. I usually go a little smaller because I ramble on so much, you finger might fall off for all the scrolling.
Thistle-LOL! I borrowed that picture from the internet. But it does kinda look like ultrasound gel, doesn't it?
Tricia-I feel the same about the sidebar. It's a problem with the template but I will try to play with that some more.
I have no problems reading your blog. And I have nothing funny to add to that, which makes me really sad. :(
Except your captch made me type "beaver". Have you been hanging out at Slick's too much?? LOL
I have no trouble reading your blog and I find the background colors light and cheerful thank-you very much.
Nope me neither! No problems reading it for me.
MLS-Are you kidding me? You know how gullible I can be!
Pseudo and Smiles - Thank you.
OK, so I think it might just be the MAC thing. Hmmmm? I will have to check that out.
I have no problems reading your sight. But perhaps I'm just not as old as the rest of your readers. :)
I don't have a problem reading your blog, but I can understand why someone might - it's the background. While it's not too dark or too busy, but it is both and I can see why it might strain someone's eyes. My SIL has really bad vision and she would probably tell you she has trouble reading your blog. I'll ask her to come visit when she gets back from vacation. She's, well, in Florida right now. LOL
No probs here. Love the background especially. :)
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