Pualani, Smitty, MHS and I had a wonderful time in Savannah despite the weather. We were fortunate that it didn't actually rain but misted pretty much all day and was cooler there than it was in Indiana when Snips left there that same day. We started the day with a ride through the historic district in a horse drawn carriage. Our driver, Michael, was a wealth of information and if you ever make it to Savannah, I would highly recommend making the carriage ride part of your itinerary.
I'm not the best photographer in the world but I usually can do a fair job with my trusty point and shoot camera. These pictures are not the greatest but please remember that I'm taking them while riding in a carriage pulled by a horse on a brick road.
This is Prince. Prince is a very smart horse. And look how big he is standing next to Smitty.
Interesting tidbit: Prince wears rubber soles on the bottom of his iron shoes. If he didn't have the rubber soles, he would be lame after about two years of working the carriage rides because of the vibrations from the road.
And we're off: You can see the Lady and Sons' restaurant on the right at the corner.
This is the Mercer house. It was the scene of the shooting death of Danny Hansford, the assistant of Jim Williams, a private restorationist. The story was retold and made famous by the movie, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil with one of my favorite actors, John Cusack. The house is currently owned by Dorothy Kingery, Williams' sister and is open to the public for tours.

You might recognize The Six Pence restaurant even if you've never been to Savannah. If you've seen the movie, Something to talk about with Julia Roberts and Dennis Quaid, this restaurant was used as the location for the scene where Julia's character catches her husband with a girlfriend. The movie is set in Lexington, Kentucky, I believe but was filmed in part in Savannah.
Oh, and according to Michael, our guide, The Six Pence is also somewhat famous for its french onion soup. We didn't get to try it but there's always next time.
This cemetary (marble orchard) was used during the civil war as a corral for horses and other animals. No care was given to protect the graves or headstones. Many headstones were destroyed by the horses so while the cemetary is full, there are few markers to identify who lies there.

Oh, and according to Michael, our guide, The Six Pence is also somewhat famous for its french onion soup. We didn't get to try it but there's always next time.
After the carriage ride, we headed to the waterfront for lunch and some shopping before our riverboat cruise.
On the recommendation of the riverboat cruise company, we selected the Fiddler's Crab House for lunch. MHS and I had actually eaten there before on a previous trip to Savannah but didn't recognize the name until we got there. Lunch was great and if you ever have the opportunity to dine there, have the crab stew. It's a creamy, sinfully good bowl of yumminess. Oh, and tell Frank, Smart Mouth Broad sent you.
This is Frank.
A stop in the River Street Sweets Candy Store is a must for any sweet tooth. I recommend the pralines and dark chocolate bear claws. Oh, and did I mention the salt water taffy? This place is just another reason why I will be living at the gym for the next 6 months.
I'm sorry to say that this picture is the best thing about the riverboat ride. Unless you just want the experience of having a ride down the river, I would skip this activity. It was really just a ride 30 minutes up the river and back with not much to look at except heaps of scrap metal and warehouses. Of course they do have a concession stand that offers wine, beer and popcorn. So, it ain't all bad.
According to My Harley Stud, no trip to any location is complete without a trip to the Harley store and this vacation was no exception. At least the walk there was scenic. Walking along the riverfront is really quite charming. The water, the architecture, the shopping and candy. What's not to love!
This is the second time I've been to Savannah. Both were quick trips. I would really like to go back and spend a few more days to do all the tours and get more accquainted with this very old, beautiful and interesting city. Wanna join me?
I love damn field trips!!! Thank you SO much. The photos were great, and the information was cool. :-) My bags are at the ready.......
Lord save us...i would want to check out Jim Williams house AND the cemetary...a little voodoo anyone LOL...
and i actually recognize the SixPence also...from the movie...cool...
sounds and looks like it was a great trip
OH, I've always wanted to visit Savannah...isn't that the setting of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?"
Anywhoo, guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you.
I'm packing my bags right now. When are we leaving?? Where should I meet you? How long will we be there??
You were serious, right? *wink*
Great pictures and it looks like you had a great time. Thanks for the tour.
Sign me up! I would love to visit Savannah. Your pictorial tour is very good, however. The marble orchard looks beautiful.
Great picture tour. You totally make me want to go back, we were only there for two days. I want to go on the ghost tour with thistle next time..ooo..scary.
Vodkamom-I love field trips too. Any excuse to go somewhere.
Thistle-Yes, next time I definitely want to do the Mercer house tour. and more.
Swampy-Glad to oblige but you really should go sometime. It's a great city.
MLS-Get your calendar, I'll get mine. Have your people call my people and we will make a plan.
GF-It's not a great place for little ones but a good romantic getaway for you and your beautiful wife.
Pseudo-We were only there for 2 days too. Really 1 1/2 but it was worth the trip. And I really want to go back again.
I think Savannah looks pretty cool to me! I know too little about your country to locate it and I also miss the history part. But you are a great story teller and your photos are good! So thank you for taking us on a tour!
BTW Remembrance Day is a British event, in The Netherlands we commemorate the death on May 4th.
The poppies are symbolic for Flanders, where after the slaughter only poppies could grow.
Like all the others, I'd sure love to visit Savannah! It looks amazing.
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