My big sister, Snips, is visiting from Indiana. No trip to Florida is complete without a day at the beach and Snips loves the beach. Once there, she absolutely glows with excitement. Taking Snips to the beach is like buying that favorite longed-for toy for a child. It's just fun to watch her have a good time. My Harley Stud, Daddy, Daisy, Snips and I drove over from the lake to St. Augustine beach a few days ago. The beach in St. Augustine is similar to Daytona Beach and we were able to drive right on the sand. We spent a couple hours just walking along, bird-watching and shell collecting. It's really beautiful there and so relaxing. 
Snips, Daisy and guess who?

Say hello to my Daddy. A handsome devil, don't you think?

Meet my little friend.

Isn't he cute?

He can run really fast.

And apparently has lots of friends.
FIRST! Beautiful pics, I'm so jealous of your Florida sun, heheh.
GF-Funny, I would love to see the Seattle area. I guess it's that grass is always greener thing.
These are great. It brings back many fond memories of walks on the beach with my grandfather, etc. My Dad's whole side of the family was in Florida (St.Pete) and he ended up moving back there to live before he passed. And that's why I'm a Miami Dolphin fan living in 49'er country today. LOL.
great beach photos, it looks like it was a lovely day at out's raining here *pout*
and cos i asked MLS i'll ask you too 'what kind of bird is that?!'...hmmm...maybe i'm turning into a virtual birdwatcher...i should start keeping a list...
What is Snips holding in her right hand?? I see we've both got handsome dads and they've both got good lookin daughters. LOL That beach makes me want to run in the sand. I wonder how cold our rivers are right now? ugh...
p.s. my captcha was "tramp". What's up with that? Who YOU callin a tramp???? *wink*
Looks like a fun time was had by all.
I so envy you that warm weather that you have.
Bear((( )))
That is one very strange-looking turtle she's holding.
What fun...especially since I'm looking at my window at a thermometer that reads "27."
Yikes. Don't think I'll be strolling the beach this morning.
Looks like so much fun! Makes me miss Florida and my kids that live there all over again...especially since it's cold and been snowy here. Glad that you have this time with your sister! And yes your dad is handsome!
It was 48 degrees here last night, and those beach photos certainly look appealing right now.
Your dad is gorgeous!
Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing.
And you have such a lovely family. :)
LDBeams-Your reason for being a Fins fan is the same reason I'm a Colts fan. LOL
Thistle-I've searched the internet hi and low to come up with a name for the bird but all I find is beach bird. Sorry about that.
MLS-Snips has a sand crab in one hand and a horseshoe crab in the other.
My captures are starting to look like Slick's now, huh? Sorry. LOL
Bear-And I envy your cold weather. Don't hate for me for it.
Swampy-27 degrees is definitely not beach weather.
Smiles-I will tell Daddy you said so. It was great to see my sister again. Too short. She left today for Indiana.
Tricia-Isn't that cold for this time of year for your neck of the woods?
Diana-Thanks and you're welcome. :-)
Well, I guess there's one benefit to waiting till the afternoon to read blogs and comment (since Beloved is in town this week, I don't get to do my normal morning "lounge") - all of my questions are answered. 'Cuz I took on look at that pic of Snips and went "What the blue blazes IS that thing???" But MLS asked for me, bless her heart.
Oh, you is SO purty, girl.
Jan-That horseshoe crab was a first for me too. And I was lookin pretty good that day sans make-up and sportin my favorite Harley t-shirt. Snips was not about to let me take time to put on my normal lips and cheeks. LOL Good thing I had those great sunglasses. They hide a multitude of ...well...uhh...unpleasantness.
I hate to be a lurker and wanted to say 'Hi'. I popped over after seeing your fun comments at Midlife Slices and SteppingThru and....Plungergirl! I am pretty new readers of theirs and couldn't help but come and peak. Love your blog!
YankeeChick-I'm so glad you stopped by. Those are all favorites of mine too. Please come and see me again sometime.
I love your picture trips that make us feel like we were there too. the beach looks glorious and your family looks like a lot of fun. Love the pic of your dad. Not sure, but I think the bird might be some kind of sandpiper. I loved St Augustine when my sister and her family took us there - especially the Cuban restaurant where we ate.
EEEWWWWUUUU! Snips is actually holding those creepy things? Brave girl! Your Dad is a handsome dude. We are lucky girls to have such special men in our lives. Great photos.
Pseudo-Thanks for the info on the sandpiper. Once a teacher, always a teacher. LOL Glad you liked the pics.
SteppingThru-Oh yeah, Snips is a tomboy from way back. She actually handed the small one to me to hold before she found the horseshoe crab and I did it but I didn't like it. LOL
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