We didn't have a real itinerary or reservations for any over-night stay. Our plan was to ride like the wind and be free like birds. By the seat of our pants, if you will. We rode into a campground near the Badlands which rented cabins sometime late that same afternoon. They had no vacancy. I was trying hard not to panic. I quickly went from the free spirit, biker chick that I was trying to be to the actual mid-life pampered princess that I really am. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Free bird, schmee bird! I mean, planning is a critical part of any vacation, right?
The people at the campground were kind enough to recommend a nearby motel that included a cafe that was famous around them there parts. What is it about the west that makes me think I should talk like I'm in an old western movie? So, anyway, we made a call and two rooms were available. We thanked our new pardners at the OK Corral and rode off into the sunset. OK, the sun wasn't really setting but you get the idea.

We hit the pool immediately after unloading our STUFF into the rooms. Once we had a chance to cool off, our brains started working again. Mr. C10 walked through the pool area and we asked about the dinner menu? He said he didn't know if Mrs. C10 had decided yet. What? It was after 4pm and the cafe would be opening soon. It was hard to have any great expectations about the meal awaiting us but we were seriously in the middle of nowhere and didn't possess the energy to go foraging for food.
I'm so glad we stayed. I don't know how she did it. When you think that at 4pm there was no plan and at 6pm we were offered very impressive choices in a simply charming setting. I'm sorry to say that I didn't write it down (I wish I had been blogging then) and can't remember exactly now what the choices were. *sigh* I do however remember that I had a crisp salad and tilapia with rice sauted in a delicious lemon butter sauce. And.there.was.beer!
After dinner, we changed into some light riding gear sans helmets and took a short drive into the Badlands. It is quite breath-taking. I'm sure my pictures will not do it justice but here are a sampling of shots that I took along the way that evening and the next morning. Some are taken from the bike as we are crusing.

The trip got even better after this. Stay tuned for the next episode where we visit Mount Rushmore.
Now I definitely want to go to the Badlands. Those pictures are beautiful!!! I'm glad you didn't have to pitch a tent on top of one of those peaks and rough it without beer. Heaven forbid! :)
Uhm.....you are making me want to let HBL get a Harley. Not good. Not good.
Wow! Awesome pics. I know absolutely NOTHING about the Badlands, and now I totally want to go. I'm glad you found a place to crash, with good food, even!
MLS-You should DEFINITELY join me as a biker chick. We could really get into some trouble...uh...I mean fun.
GF-Stay tuned, the pictures get even better as the trip progresses. The Badlands were awesome though and my pictures really don't do it justice.
That is just incredible! I love the shots, and always enjoy a great field trip.
Your photos are awesome.
Now I know where I want to go on a trip.
Thanks for the info.
Bear((( )))
I am so jealous...I wanna take a bike trip through the badlands.
Gorgeous pics, woman! Gorgeous woman! :D
gorgeous. simply breath taking!!! you sound so much like me- i'm a constant 'cry baby' as my husband says... he says i'm spoiled and am a hotel snob.
buti can have fun too! (i just have to be forced to stick my neck out there. once i do? oh lordy, it's beautiful.)
A bike trip through the Badlands...I am jealous. You're living the dream. The thing I miss the most (after family of course) is road trips. I love me a road trip.
Awesome photos.
I've never been through the Badlands... guess I should do that someday.
My hubby never takes photos of people either... just mountains, animals, airplanes, more mountains..... I threw away a lot of the photos he took from before we met. They simply had no meaning without people in them.
VM-I love field trips too.
Bear-Yes, do. The Badlands are close to many other must-see sites too!
Jan-Don't be jealous, just buy Be a bike and do it. The Saint is lovely, isn't she.
Lo-I can be a pain but I'm usually keep my melt-downs to myself. No one on the trip knew I was freaking out inside.
Pseudo-This trip was great. I don't regret it. Would I go again? You'll have to wait to see.....
BRG-The problem with no people is you forget where it was after awhile. LOL
great pics...the 'badlands'...that just sounds cool...nice, looking forward to the next installment....
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